After registering, you should receive a confirmation email with a link to activate your account.
Additionally, you can click on the button below. You will be able to enter your email, confirm your identity by entering a code that you'll be receiving by email and define your password.
Please head to the login page. Enter the email address with which you registered. Then in the next step, please click on "Forgot password" and follow the instructions to receive a security code on your email. You will then receive a password recovery email containing a code that you will need to enter to change your password.
To access the masterclasses, you can click on the button below to go to the "Masterclass" page of the event. You can then select the session you are interested in.
Is it possible to ask questions to the speakers?
Yes, it is possible to ask your questions during the sessions. After joining the session, a "Chat" module on the right of your screen will give you the possibility to ask questions at any time. The speakers and their teams will answer your questions.