Retail & E-commerce Forum & Meetings 2023

IBM Consulting


Meeting today's challenges and shaping tomorrow's realities. To build an ethically responsible and sustainable future, IBM puts its 110 years of expertise at your service, operating at the intersection of technology, business and society. IBM Consulting’s innovative approach embraces emerging technologies and solutions that combine business expertise and innovation, developed on behalf of our clients and the people they serve. Our consultants, experts and researchers co-create with you innovative solutions to help you deliver more compelling experiences to your own customers, collaborate more effectively with your ecosystem and better align supply and demand.

Livres blancs / Études

Consumers want it all
The next-generation retail store
The last call for sustainability


RĂ©volutionnez votre supply chain en la rendant plus durable : Smart Green Pallet : Smart Green Pallet
Créons des chaînes logistiques qui ont le goût de la performance
Créons des sytsèmes IT qui ne gardent pas les mains dans les poches

Business cases

DEFIS : pour une performance réinventée
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DĂ©fis Tome Commerce & Distribution
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Extrait DĂ©fis Sustainability - L'horizon Durable
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