HUBFORUM Paris 2023

Frugal Marketing: How CMOs can maximize marketing impact across the entire customer journey?

Oct 3, 2023 | 2:35 PM - 2:50 PM


Brands around the globe are facing macroeconomic volatility with nearly 30% of major advertisers worldwide saying they’re cutting their ad budgets in 2023. Marketers are asked to do more with less, indeed 77% of global CMOs are under pressure to prove enhanced short-term return on investment from their ad campaigns. CMOs therefore need to focus on channels that drive immediate return on investment in order to demonstrate marketing’s contributions to the business. Additionally, with a growing number of touchpoints in the complex customer journey, conducting measurement to understand marketing success is increasingly important. In this session, Adrien Seugé, Chief Marketing and Digital Officer, L’Oréal France, Arnaud Lauga, CEO Performics and CEO Publicis Commerce, and Stéphane Grenier, Managing Director, France at Amazon Ads, will talk about how brands can achieve a comprehensive, metrics-driven picture of their advertising investments in order to maximize marketing efficiency and drive impact.

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