Retail & E-commerce Forum & Meetings 2023

Data, Algorithms, NFT: how to integrate these new practices into your customer centric strategy

Feb 15, 2022 | 10:30 AM CET - 11:00 AM CET


With the health and economic crisis, consumers' behavior and their expectations of brands have changed very quickly. Faster, more personalized, more hybrid, and more responsible too... the challenge for brands today is to adapt with agility and to adopt a more digital customer centric strategy. With Samir Amellal, CDO and member of the COMEX of La Redoute, Pierre-Nicolas Hurstel, CEO and co-founder of Arianee, a specialized NFT platform, and Alexandra Ruez, VP IBM France and Business Transformation Services Leader, discover how to integrate data, algorithms and NFT into your strategy to become a real game-changer in customer relations in 2022. 

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