Retail & E-commerce Forum & Meetings 2023

Bridge API


Bridge is the Open Finance pioneer in Europe and a solutions provider that enable companies to optimize their buying process, simplify their payment experience and boost their conversion rate with A2A instant payment. Bridge helps in reducing fraud, costs and frictions with a secure and profitable omnichannel technology. We also offer the ability to aggregate, standardize and enrich banking data instantly and continuously. We have more than 250 customers including Cdiscount, Payfit, Sage, CEGID, Qonto, BPCE and are available via major CMS such as Prestashop or WooCommerce. Some key figures: 1st payment institution approved by the ACPR in Europe +8M bank accounts connected daily with more than 350 banks in Europe. + 1.5 billion euros of payments

Livres blancs / Études

Livre blanc E-Commerce B2B : quelles solutions de paiement choisir ?
Comparatif - Solutions de paiement traditionnelles VS virement instantané
Le paiement compte-à-compte, botte secrète de l'e-commerce


Conférence Tech For Retail - Nouveaux moyens de paiement

Business cases

Alma : Collecte des paiements marchands avec Pay by Link
En savoir plus