Retail & E-commerce Forum & Meetings 2023



Ekimetrics is a leader in data science and AI-powered solutions. For over 16 years, we’ve pioneered the use of AI and advanced data science applied to unified marketing measurement, holistic business optimization and broad-ranging sustainability goals. We help companies rethink the way they operate, so they can reconcile financial KPIs with non financial goals Ekimetrics is an independent firm maintaining offices on 3 continents. Since 2006, we have led more than a thousand data science projects in over 50 countries, generating more than €1bn in profit for our customers.

Livres blancs / Études

Exploring the links between creative execution and marketing effectiveness
Navigate short term market volatility by building an adaptive marketing measurement capability
A practical approach to the cookieless future of marketing effectiveness


4 questions about Exploring Media Mix Modeling
3 questions about In-housing MMO
3 questions about Industrializing MMO at scale

Business cases

Powering up marketing performance, while decreasing budget
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Managing and improving Quality on day-to-day basis in your Distribution network… and tracking it !
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