Retail & E-commerce Forum & Meetings 2023

Allianz Trade


Allianz Trade is the global leader in trade credit insurance and a recognized specialist in the areas of surety, collections, structured trade credit and political risk. Headquartered in Paris, Allianz Trade is present in 52 countries with 5,500 employees. In 2021, our consolidated turnover was € 2.9 billion and insured global business transactions represented € 931 billion in exposure. Allianz Trade Hermes is a full member of Allianz Group. For more information, please visit

Livres blancs / Études

Découvrir l'assurance e-commerce BtoB
La solution d'assurance-crédit pour les marketplaces


ShopinSafe, la solution d'assurance-crédit pour les sites e-commerce B2B

Business cases

Pledg et Allianz Trade s’associent pour développer le paiement différé en e-commerce B2B
En savoir plus