Retail & E-commerce Forum & Meetings 2023



Wizaly is an attribution solution and decision support tool that optimizes the mix media thanks to a 100% data-driven view of the effectiveness of marketing channels. The solution offers the most objective centralized view of omnichannel mix marketing performance. In addition to its attribution solution, Wizaly offers a seamless support to advertisers thanks to its highly responsive and human-sized team of media experts and data scientists.

Livres blancs / Études

Comprendre les enjeux de l'attribution pour bien choisir sa solution
Comprendre le nouveau monde Cookieless


Comment profiter de l'IA pour optimiser les performances du marketing digital ?
Le dernier clic avant la conversion est-il survalorisé ?

Business cases

Comment Conforama a valorisé sa stratégie omnicanal grâce à la solution d'attribution Wizaly ?
En savoir plus