Retail & E-commerce Forum & Meetings 2023

Calliope Business Solutions


As a Microsoft Dynamics and Sage partner, Calliope Business Solutions is positioned as your "business" reference and solution provider in the Retail/Fashion and Trade sectors. Resulting from the merger of three integrators, Calliope has chosen to focus on proximity to its customers by consolidating its network through 12 agencies throughout France. We advise and support our clients with rigor and imagination, in their infrastructure, in the evolution of their management systems and in the adaptation to their sectorial, organizational and strategic challenges. Our mission: to accompany you in your digital transformation.

Livres blancs / Études

Livre Blanc - 8 conseils pour offrir une expérience de commerce en ligne supérieure
Livre Blanc - 8 points à considérer lors d'un achat POS Retail
Livre Blanc - Calliope Success Method


Quel futur pour le Retail ? Interview Microsoft, LS Retail & Calliope Business Solutions
Offrez une expérience client optimale avec une plate forme de commerce unifié
Les avantages du e commerce B2B intégré à votre ERP Dynamics

Business cases

Comment bongénie Grieder a mis en œuvre sa stratégie Retail axée sur l’expérience clients omnicanale
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Comment racer a accéléré sa transition digitale ?
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La route de Natura Europe vers le succès e-commerce
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