Retail & E-commerce Forum & Meetings 2023



Headquartered in Paris, Splio is a MarTech Vendor that counts 250 collaborators, including 90 in the Product & Tech team, with 5 offices throughout Europe and MEA. Splio edits a SaaS Individuation Marketing Platform targeting B2C Customer Marketing teams from the Retail, e-Commerce, Food and Telecommunications industries. Among the 500+ companies in Splio’s portfolio, there are Decathlon, Longchamp, Le Slip Français, Micromania, Cojean, LeDuff, Orange and MTN. Splio ambitions to empower Campaign Management/Marketing Automation with Individuation® Marketing. Its AI-powered Platform enables companies and brands to activate and engage each one of their customers in a unique relationship on a one-to-one basis. The Individuation® Marketing Platform is based on a one-of-a-kind innovation, arbitration, automating everyday the most relevant message through the most appropriated channel for each one of the Companies’ customers. The calculation of arbitration is based on a very unique differentiator, the optimum, that is to say the best communication possible reconciling the Company’s stakes, objectives and constraints and the appetences of each one of its customers. Splio’s Individuation® Marketing Platform is the first SaaS Marketing Platform to offer one-to-one at scale, delivering quick ROI: Additional Revenue, Productivity and Customer Retention.

Livres blancs / Études

Calendrier 2023 : facilitez-vous le CRM en 2023

Business cases

REBorn passe à l'Individuation® Marketing
En savoir plus