Retail & E-commerce Forum & Meetings 2023

Hitachi Solutions


Hitachi Solutions is a consulting firm specializing in digital transformation and integration of Microsoft Business Applications based on the Azure cloud. As a Microsoft Gold Partner, Hitachi Solutions was five-time Global Partner of the Year and holds eight Advanced Specializations, a distinction awarded by Microsoft to a select number of partners. With a professional team of business consultants, innovation and technology experts, the company supports mid-sized and large organizations in their digital transformation projects, deployment of ERP, CRM, low-code applications, data science and data analytics solutions.

Livres blancs / Études

Customer Insights : Adoptez une vision complète de vos clients
Retailers – Visez l’excellence opérationnelle
Design Thinking – La méthode-clé pour innover en mode coopératif


Hitachi Solutions France - Design Sprint Motul
Customer Data Platform : des données actionnables par les métiers pour une meilleure relation client
Hitachi Solutions France x David Lloyd Clubs - Replay Plénière Hub Day Retail - La data au service de l’expérience

Business cases

Hitachi Solutions France - David Lloyd Clubs
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Hitachi Solutions France - Dr Martens
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