Retail & E-commerce Forum & Meetings 2023

«Retail & E-commerce,
the winning combination!»

As the retail sector undergoes a profound upheaval, the HUB Institute has teamed up with Locala, AdTech company specialising in geotargeting and media commerce, for the first edition of the Retail Innovation Awards. 
The emergence of a "New Retail", where shopping paths combine the real and the virtual, requires retailers to be innovative and to focus on the most effective omnichannel strategies. Open to retailers and media agencies, the Retail Innovation Awards by Locala are designed to recognise and reward the most innovative retailers in terms of customer experience in 2022.

🥇 Gagnez une campagne drive to store d'une valeur de 30 000 € !

Our 3 winners of the Retail Innovation Awards of 2023



Appmag, application de clienteling



 Experience Metabody



Showroom Virtuel

Thank you to our panel


Hervé Ribaud - Shinberg

Directeur Media, Traffic et Acquisition

Emmanuelle Bach Donnard

Directrice Marque & Digital

Romain Roulleau

Chief Marketing
Digital & Customer Officer

Brice Renvoizé

Directeur Marketing

Sandrine Préfaut

Directrice Générale Europe

Xavier Hua

Institut du Commerce
Directeur Général

Catherine Salomon

Fédération Française des Franchisés
Secrétaire Générale

Julia Sauquet

Maison du Monde
Directrice Omnicanale
Remise de prix en partenariat avec Mind Media

Grand prize reserved exclusively for to retailers

Directeur innovation
Directeur retail
Directeur Marketing  

3 key criteria to be able to submit an application

  • All types of innovations that have generated traffic at the point of sale 

  • Be able to measure the value generated by the innovation(s) (increase in turnover, traffic, visibility / brand awareness) 

  • Meet at least one of these four objectives: to strengthen the in-store experience, to build customer loyalty and proximity, to develop new services, to develop an effective omnichannel strategy

Prizes for the winners

1st prize

A drive to store campaign donated by Locala worth €30,000
A report by the HUB Institute on retail trends and a special edition of the Retail Insights 2022 barometer by Locala

2nd and 3rd prizes

50% of the cost of a mobile campaign offered by Locala as well as a special edition of the Retail Insights 2022 barometer by Locala. A dedicated interview on the HUB Institute website to present the project and a digital viral campaign