DATA & AI FOR BUSINESS Forum & Meetings 2023

Zeta Global


Recognised as one of the leading CDP platforms in the market by organisations such as Forrester and the CDP Institute, Zeta has 1,500 employees, 1,000 customers worldwide, more than 70 customers in France and more than 500 million users in Europe. Zeta is listed on the NY Stock Exchange. Zeta offers a marketing automation platform with a built-in CDP allowing you to expand the number and power of your use cases. Our three pillars: + IDENTITY, Connect, aggregate and reconcile multiple data sources + KNOWLEDGE, enrichment & scoring of anonymous & known profiles under a single platform, real-time segmentation, analysis of your users' behaviour outside the 4 walls of your brand + ACTIVATION, real-time activation, audience synchronisation and integrated omni-channel orchestration

Livres blancs

Zeta Certifié "RealCDP" par CDPInstitute
Zeta est nommé parmi les Leaders E-mail Marketing Service Providers
Les dernières innovations disponibles dans la Zeta Marketing Platform


Aperçu de la Zeta Marketing Platform
Comprenez vos audiences de manière approfondie pour de meilleures performances marketing
IA & Intentionnistes

Business cases

MACIF : Qualifier les leads pour des performances incrémentales
En savoir plus : utiliser la puissance du programmatique pour soutenir la croissance du chiffre d’affaire e-commerce
En savoir plus
SAMSUNG : Touchez les bonnes audiences et de manière optimale pour faire exploser ses ventes.
En savoir plus

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